
17 Feb 2010

Anu on holiday!

This is going to be a shorty, as in a short post. Busy as usual, but come Friday, Feb 19 I shall be flying off to Melbourne, Australia for a 2 week break. Woo hoo! Coffee, Wine, Hungry Jack's Grilled Chicken burgers -I'm comingggggggg!

I promised myself that I will not think about work and do as much shopping as I can. And enjoy. I shall take some pictures as well... and will upload them on the blog as soon as I can.



Ninja said...

Hope you have an excellent time babes!

Suresh Nair said...

Happy Holidays. Enjoy your trip! Shop till you drop.

Anonymous said...

Hey, enjoy yourself down under mate! Happy holidays!!!

sri said...

have a blast!

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