
21 Nov 2007

Que Pasa? What's up?

Hola! Me llamo Anu. Yo tengo trienta y uno anos. Vivo en Malasia con mi familia. Mi madre Sushila es una doctora y mi padre Venu es no trabajor. Mi hermana menor Ameeta es una estudiante en un collegio. Yo trabajo en la escuela internacional en Mont Kiara. Yo le gusto leer libro, escribir historia y escuchar musica...Mi favarito palabros en Espanol es - trienta, tambien, prima, etc.

Ok, so I guess it's pretty obvious that I have a lot to work on here.

What I was trying to say was:

Hello. My name is Anu. I am thirty one year old. I live in Malaysia with my family. My mother Sushila is a doctor and my father Venu is not working. My younger sister Ameeta is a student in a college. I work in an international school in Mont Kiara. I like to read books, write stories and listen to music. My favourite Spanish words are thirty, also, cousin...
I shall be blogging in bits of Spanish ... to practice and also keep myself motivated to continue learning Spanish for my trip to Spain, possibly next year. After all I can't be going to Barcelona and Madrid with just the ability to say "Una cerveza por favor." (One beer please.) Can I? ;)


sri said...

hey u - i know some spanish myself

"los hombres son estúpidos"

there u go...

foreverinteresting said...

is estupidos mean stupid?

hey i think i'm picking spanish too... but i will prefer the french......

Anu said...

lol. good one sri! maybe next time we meet we can practice our spanish over margatrita, ok amiga?

yes estupidos does mean stupid forever...
u know french? :P cool...

Anu said...

Wow, and here I am four years later after going to Barcelona and Madrid AND ordering a beer in Spanish! Awesome feeling!

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