
13 Feb 2008

Where art thou o Cupid?

As Valentine's Day comes around again (how fast does this annoying day come eh?) I am somewhat surprised (but definitely happy) that I am not experiencing any negative emotions that have tormented me in the past. No longer am I upset that I don't have someone special to celebrate it with. Nor am I sad that no one's gonna be sending me any flowers. Etc,etc,etc. I am sooooo over all that stuff, u know? O-V-E-R! Let people celebrate it with pomp and style, carry on, have fun.
Happy Valentine's Day to u!

I wonder where that Cupid fella is hiding...


sri said...

I feel u... babe!

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day and maybe next year we'll both have someone to celebrate it with.

Anonymous said...

Vday's terribly overrated!

*hands you flowers*

Anucia said...

I HATE VALENTINE'S DAY-its too corny and overrated lah...

Ninja said...

Yes!!! Ban the damn day!!!

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