
16 Jan 2012

Gracias Universo

Inspired by my friend Sri's thank you post to the Universe  here is my little tribute to the Universe for the past year.

The year started off on a quiet note, with me trying to move on after my dad passed on in late 2010. It wasn't easy but with the help of family, friends and work, I managed to get to a better place.

I took solace in travelling, a passion I inherited from my father. I decided to go to one new place - Hong Kong, which proved to be a interesting city to visit. Then my mom decided that she wanted to fulfill my dad's wish of taking me to see the Taj Mahal, so we ended up visiting Delhi-Agra-Jaipur-Shimla in early August.

A sudden but not unexpected career detour in September allowed me to make my dream of going to Spain come true. My first solo trip for a month was completed successfully and with lots of stories to remember by.

By the end of the year, I decided to chill out for a bit before working with my friend on writing projectswhile looking for freelancing jobs... and here we are...reaching the end of January.

So thank you Universe for allowing me so much travel last year. I truly appreciate it. And for giving me lots of support in the form of family friends, good books and awesome music. Thank you for letting me to take the plunge out of my 'stable' job and putting my faith to something a little different and new. Also for allowing me to love a little, to take a risk and for letting me take my time to get over it when things came tumbling down.

This year, please continue to be with me as I continue to learn to be a better daughter, sister, grand daughter, niece, aunty, friend. I hope you will give me more opportunities for me to go beyond my comfort zone and watch me love the experience. Help me continue taking risks and tell me when to draw the line. While I'm on a quest to love, learn and find happiness within me, I hope you give me good times, delightful memories and little sweet surprises.

Thanking you in advance. Anu.

1 comment :

sri said...

So glad to see this posting on your blog. I’m also inspired (along with little bit of jealousy) on your amazing adventures and the ability to make your dream(s) comes true.

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