
22 Aug 2009

Bali Calling!

So finally the time has come for me to leave for Bali. I will be leaving on Monday 24/8 and returning on Saturday 29/8.
It's gonna be fun and yet a little different from my last trip there in 07'. This time I won't be having nasi goreng at almost all restaurants. This time it's going to be a protein/vege and limited alco sorta thing.
Well, there will always be satay...and the beach to look forward to.
Until I return with tales and photos...adios.


aravind said...

Wow! Enjoy your holidays. Hv a good time. Catch up when u return.

sri said...

hey... hope ur enjoyin the trip, bring back photos k.

and im already counting days for our europe trip next year.

we'll talk bout it over our margarita session k.

Brown Sugar said...

Best nyeeeeeee...Anu i wamma comeeeee :)

Ninja said...

Pictures pitures pictures!!!!!!

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