
7 Sept 2007

Chak De

So I finally watched Chak De yesterday evening. It was as good as I expected it to be,perhaps even better than expected. There were no dance scenes or too much drama. Just a catchy theme song and a dose of the real life in India, where cricket dominates the minds of her citizens. Shah Rukh Khan played a very good coach, trying to redeem his past failure to win the World Cup (also after being accused of sabotaging his own team) by training a team of Indian girls for the World Cup...Although the team was initially defeated by their differences and competition, in the end, they took in the spirit of Chak De (Go For It!) and obviously won big time!

I think if Malaysia had feel good, go all out songs like this, we may go further in our sports adventures! One can hope...

Rating: Chak De - *****


1 comment :

Sreekara Sharma said...

Unfortunately, the Malaysian sports teams tend to hold on to the open ended motto of "Malaysia Boleh..", no matter what the sport, and it is subjective enough to leave the void at the end to be filled with any convenient word such as "Malaysia boleh... win, lose or draw....", for example.

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