
28 Jan 2007

It's been a while...

since I blogged.

I was lazy, tired, uninspired. And then the modem started giving problems and is continuing to do so. I can't blog from work either, so here I am at a cybercafe, trying my hardest to ignore the sounds of guns going off, the screams of football fans etc etc and concentrate on an update of what's happening with me during these few days of abstinence from cyberspace.

Hmm, let's see. Yes, I did mention that I got highlights done. I really like the way it makes me look, and moreso the way it makes me feel. There is a spring in my step, there an air of extra confidence enveloping every where I go. Not to mention I feel pretty cute. Haha. I notice the guys giving me a few looks. *Perasans*. I like it!

I wonder what the parents will say when they see the new do after their trip to India. They've never been happy with my various attempts at highlighting, but well, it's my hair and my money and I am old enough to make my own decisions. Right? Absolutely right!

Otherwise all is good. There's a social event happening at work on Feb 9th and I am looking forward to it!

Now I gotta go. The noise is really getting to me. Hope the modem gets well soon! Will blog later.


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